When it comes to UFOs it's probably sensible to look more closely at official government files for hard data rather than obscure Internet videos that may or may not be genuine.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to trust government sources any more than the obscure videos on You Tube or elsewhere despite laws requiring disclosure of secret files after a set period of time. Since we are never privy to the number of files or extent of the data bases to begin with, we cannot verify if they have indeed released ALL the files.
That which is not verifiable cannot be verified and is thus untrustworthy.
Nevertheless, I intend to take a look at what has been released and publish from time to time those files that remain inconclusive by providing links or copying and pasting, starting with the Australian files. Conveniently or unfortunately as the case may be, many of the files that should have been released are missing, lost or destroyed which impinges on the credibility of the Australian authorities from the outset.
Herewith follows some of the more interesting details that escaped the shredder or inexplicably disappearing. On that point incidentally, it s not the loss that so much arouses my curiosity as the fact that no one who had any knowledge of their content has come forward to divulge that information. Maybe they signed the secrets act or maybe they just have bad memories. You make up your own minds.
IS there anyone out there? The government certainly thinks so after it released a batch of UFO files from sightings in Aussie airspace.
Burn marks on golf courses, "silvery" airborne objects and white moving lights are among the more unusual sightings reported to The Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which examines near misses or unidentified objects that could interfere with transport safety.
The most recent log with the ATSB was of a "bright orange light" seen shortly after midnight in Mackay on January 25 last year. "Reported seeing a bright orange light with a dark centre appearing from the horizon, turning 90 degrees and took off into the distance at high velocity with no sound," the report said.
"The object was captured on iPhone. I referred him to the UFO hotline."
Among the more notable sightings was an incident on November 8, 1998, when a pilot flying out of Perth reported seeing "an unidentified flying object" in "bright red/orange" about 30m below his aircraft. The pilot described the object as about 2m wide and "travelling very fast".
Below is a selection of records in the Archives' collection that relate to UFOs. To find further records of interest, you can search the collection.
Unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
The National Archives holds a number of records relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs), flying saucers and other unidentified aerial sightings. Most of these records date from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, when public interest in UFOs was high and many sightings were reported to Commonwealth authorities.
There was no specific government agency responsible for the collecting and analysing these sightings, so responsibility fell on the Department of Air. The Department collected reports from defence force members, pilots and air traffic controllers,
meteorologists and the general public. During the peak of interest in UFOs the
department investigated some reports, trying to establish whether the sighting could be
attributed to low flying aircraft, weather balloons or meteorological phenomena.
Reports were also collected by other agencies involved in air safety, research and
intelligence, including the CSIRO, the Joint Intelligence Organisation, the Weapons
Research Establishment at Maralinga, and the Department of Transport. The Department of
Territories kept reports from Papua New Guinea.
Below is a selection of records in the Archives' collection that relate to UFOs. To
find further records of interest, you can search the collection.
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