Friday, February 11, 2005

EU Accounts Still Not Ratified

EU accounts have not been ratified by the Cours De Compte (European Commission auditors) for a number of years. If the EU Commission were a corporation, the Commissioners would have been "de-commissioned" long ago by angry shareholders!

This refusal by the Cours de Compte to ratify EU accounts arouses strong suspicions with regard to gross mismanagement and/or misappropriation of hundreds of millions of EU funds. If true this is a scandal of massive proportions.

Why therefore have none of the EU member governments been willing to call the Commission to account? Why have EU Governments not insisted on an independant audit of EU accounts? What is going on? Why are Europe's citizens being kept in the dark with regard to the details and reasons for the Cours de Compte's refusal to ratify the accounts? What exactly is the extent of the misappropriated funds in question?

It appears that nobody is willing to cast any light on the matter. This is totally unacceptable to Europe's tax paying citizens and we want answers and we want appropriate action to be taken against those responsible. We believe democracy is about accountability. We see none here.

If you agree with the sentiments expressed here, copy the above text and expedite it to: E-Mail (European Scrutiny Committee at the Houses of Parliament.


11th February 2005

Well folks, the following is the response I received:

In response to your email below, may I refer you to the European Scrutiny Committee's 32 nd Report of the 2003-04 Session (HC 42-xxxii) relating to the fight against fraud. The Report can be found through the following link:

The Committee recommended this for debate, alongside the Court of Auditors' 2003 Annual Report and a document relating to the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF). This debate will take place in European Standing Committee B on Wednesday 2 March at 2pm on the Committee Corridor of the Houses of Parliament. The Hansard of which will be available through the parliament website (

Please get in touch if I can help further.

Best wishes
Olivia Davidson Second Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee House Of Commons 7 Millbank London SW1P 3JA Tel: 020 7219 6481

Hmmm.......stranger and stranger! Check out the links to find out what happens or does not happen next!

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