Whichever way one looks at it and whatever the truth or otherwise of various arguments and contentious claims made by campaigners on both sides of the EU Referendum debate, it is the actions of the EU elite that speak loudest and most truthfully. Whatever anyone says, the introduction of a supra-government has been carried out largely by stealth in a step by step process with each new treaty reinforcing the authority of EU institutions over sovereign states. This is undeniable.
Seldom mentioned is the fact that the Cold War ended decades ago. The European landscape is now quite different to what it was post WWII. There is no longer a war of ideologies between capitalism and communism. It is also a fact that Russia is a geographical part of the European continent and its interests are not served by war but by trade and co-operation with Europe. This is just plain common sense.
However, the political ambitions of the federalists can only be furthered, if they maintain the pretence that Russia remains the major threat to European and indeed world peace. Hence the constant demonisation of Putin and Russia, continues unabated in the western media and political chambers of Europe and particularly in the U.S. for whom Russia is the "arch" threat to its own hegemony. The Wolfowitz Doctrine makes this very clear.
It is also a fact that Political Union has never been, is not, nor ever will be, a pre-requisite for trade, co-operation on any level, including security, free movement, marriage, sex, happiness or anything else.
It is however a pre-requisite for the centralisation of power in ever fewer hands and the eventual and inevitable dissolution of nation states. The question is who does this benefit the most, the European people or those whose ambition it is, to exert their control over the political, institutional and corporate levers of power?
The "doctrine" of "ever closer political union" is just that, a doctrine. It really has nothing to do with economics. That is the illusionary bait, the pretext that facilitates the political agenda. It is principally about power and too much power in anyone's hands is never in the interests of people, in Europe or anywhere else.
This project is about geo-political dominance not of or by Europe but by the United States of America, using Europe as its frontline pawn, to keep any emerging powers that might threaten its world dominance in check. The destabilising actions of the USA and its proxy allies, in the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa and China Seas are designed to undermine emerging powers and Russia in particular. This is the bigger game in play.
We the people of Europe are the sacrificial lambs in this deadly geopolitical game. What we have to decide is whether we are going to submit to this lunacy or start a much better game and exercise our own power and pursue the values that really matter to us; peace, co-operation and friendship built on trust and mutual interest and not just the self interest of the money changers and their compliant political elites.
So let us make our voices loudly, clearly, unequivocally heard and let us say, no more. Enough is enough. We are no one's sacrificial lamb. We see through the fog of hypocrisy and the smoke and mirrors and we definitively reject these false self serving political philosophies that have brought the world to the abyss. We demand something much better and far more intelligent.